With so much stigma going around on how proper timing plays a role in your bodies recovery, I'm here to debunk a few preconceived notions about protein.
While proper protein intake is very important to living your best possible lifestyle, people have argued for years about the best time to consume protein, whether it be before, during, or after a workout. I'm here to tell you that it is a much simpler process as long as you get in your daily macronutrients. The timing couldn't matter less.
“The daily minimum recommended by the National Institutes of Health is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight for a sedentary person. However, if you do intense workouts, have a physically demanding job, or both, experts say you may need more—perhaps as much as double.”
What you consume is really up to you and your own personal goals. for a general standard i would personally say consume .75 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. This should not be all consumed through protein powder, you should look further into your diet and figure out how to properly supplement you daily protein intake. Ex/ a vegan is much more likely to be deficient on protein than a carnivore, so they should be supplementing more protein into their diet to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Leading a healthy lifestyles isn't as hard as it seems, The hard part is sticking with it when it's no longer new and exciting. Overweight people didn't become overweight in a day so why should they be able to lose the weight in a day.
“It seems that, every day, a new brand is popping up, and everyone has become an expert on supplements and training. Hey, there's a lot of great brands and products out there, but there are also those just looking to grab a piece of the money pie.” -Ronnie Coleman
While many brands promote extreme performance and quick improvements, its important to know that a lot of what goes into supplements are small doses of something to advertise big gains. While supplements do in fact help people, its important to know which supplements are right for you. If you were attempting to lose weight and put on lean muscle, i would not recommend for you to take a mass gainer protein powder. Knowing what your goal is and how your going to work towards it is more important than any supplement you can take, after all supplements only provide support, they can't do all the hard work for you